Enhancing your dog's diet with natural dog supplements is the most caring way to ensure your dog lives a long and happy life.

It's difficult to ensure that your dog's food is giving them all of the vitamins and nutrients that they need to stay fit and healthy. It's hard enough to watch our own diets, never mind a pets. Pet food companies do their best, but every dog is different and might need a boost in different areas of their diet. The benefits of supplementing your dog's diet with exactly what they need is immeasurable and it gives you the opportunity to drill down into exactly what your dog requires!

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The four pillars to a dog's long and healthy life...

  • Joints

    Dogs suffer from deterioration of joints and mobility for many reasons.

  • Digestion

    A dog's tummy is (literally) central to both their physical and mental wellbeing.

  • Coat

    Your dogs coat can be a sign of ill health or an unfit diet and can lead to discomfort.

  • Skin

    Below the coat, a dog's skin can itch, crack and it is often difficult to spot issues developing.

Joint Supplements for Dogs

One in four dogs suffers from osteoarthritis and requires a joint supplement - and this isn't just old dogs. This causes the cushioning element of cartiladge in a dog's joints to break down, leading to inflammation, swelling and pain.

Joint supplements for dogs can go a long way in combatting this, which is why we specially formulated Durable Joints.

Buy Durable Joints

Dog Gut Health

A dogs gut is their engine. Not only does your dog's gut health imact their mental and physical wellbeing, it is also the center of a dog's immune system. If a dog has poor gut health then it can lead to issues with digestion, vomiting, bloating and consipation. Many other issues stemming from gut health go unseen, like fatigue, restlessness and poor sleep, poor coat quality and unexplained weight loss or weight gain.

This is why we developed Tummy Settlers - to give you the tools you need to keep your dog's gut health balanced.

Buy Tummy Settlers

Dog Coat Supplements

All dog's require regular grooming to ensure that dead skin cells and shed hair are removed and so that the build up doesn't cause issues. However, this doesn't guarantee a dog's healthy skin and coat. Ensuring that your dog develops enough collagen naturally will help to make sure under the surface, your dog's skin and coat are as healthy as they could possibly be, before you even have to worry about regular bathing and grooming.

For that, we have specially formulated Nourishing Nibbles, to make sure your dog's coat and skin are naturally healthy

Buy Nourishing Nibbles

Calming Supplements for Dogs

Dogs are sensitive to a lot of things, surprises, loud noises, smells and behaviour that they just aren't used to. Your dog might not travel well or might lose his mind when the postman drops a letter through the door, or when the doorbell rings. This could be down to a lack of several nutrients in your dog's regular diet - vitamins and minerals that help to regulate your dog's mood and their response to the unexpected.

Tranquil Treats were developed specifically to help prepare your dog, stabilise mood and bring them tranquility.

Buy Tranquil Treats