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Tummy Settlers | Digestive Supplement for Dogs - 30 Tablets

Tummy Settlers | Digestive Supplement for Dogs - 30 Tablets

Looking after your dog's gut health can have a direct impact on their behaviour, their mood, their sleep and their happiness. That's why we created our purpose formulated tummy settlers.

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Why it's important to take control of your dog's gut health!

When you have an upset stomach, it has a direct impact on things like mood, how you sleep, your physical and mental health, and can just generally make you feel terrible. This is no different for dog's who's behaviour is heavily influenced by the nutrients, vitamins and minerals they get from their diets. Give your dog the best chance by taking control, and supplementing their diet with exactly what they need.

Active Ingredients

It's important to know exactly what goes into your beloved dog's food, treats and supplements. So here's a list of what we've included and why.

  • Turmeric

    A wonder spice for dogs, turmeric settles flatulence, stomach pain, and bloating. It is anti-inflammatory and has anti-oxidant properties, whilst also helping to keep stomach based cancers at bay.

  • Bacillus coagulans

    These are a form of bacteria that produce digestive enzymes when they enter your dog's tummy, helping the natural process that it goes through to break down food.

  • Beta Glucans

    A form of fibre which is is essential for bowel health in dogs. Inadequate fibre can lead to constipation and can result in reduced bowel movements, bloating, discomfort and even pain.

  • Ginger

    Ginger has been shown to combat intestinal inflammation in dogs, and issue that can lead to poor digestion and stomach pain.

Why give your dog a digestive supplement?

If your dog struggles with digestion no matter what you feed them, then a digestive supplement is a no brainer. Equally, even if your dog will eat anything with no problems, supplementing with digestive support treats can aid with issues of sleep, behaviour, mood and general mental health. Just like humans, dogs are fueled by their tummies.

Which dogs should take a digestive supplement?

Our digestive supplements for dogs are specifically formulated to be added to the diets of dogs of any age (Provided they are over 12 months). This is so that you can have the confidence to use it as a daily addition to your dog's diet. It can also add missing vitamins and nutrients for dogs that are picky about what they eat, giving you piece of mind that your dog's gut is being care for, even if they aren't happy about what is going into their bowl.