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Durable Joints | Joint and Mobility Supplement for Dogs - 30 Tablets

Durable Joints | Joint and Mobility Supplement for Dogs - 30 Tablets

Specifically formulated with 6 active ingredients to make sure the day your dog can no longer leap across the room, and onto the sofa, never arrives.

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Why is caring for your dog's joints and mobility important?

If your knees ache and crack when you get out of bed in the morning, imagine how your dog feels! All that bounding around, jumping up on the sofa when you're not looking, all those balls chased, all those miles of fetch covered. Or perhaps your dog lives a more relaxed lifestyle, lazing around for tummy strokes and treat time. Either way, a long life of fuss and exercise will take its tole on your pet's joints, and eventually their mobility.

Active Ingredients

It's important to know exactly what goes into your beloved dog's food, treats and supplements. So here's a list of what we've included and why.

  • Glucosamine

    A natural sugar that exists in the fluid around dog's joints, in their bones and bone marrow. It is important for healthy flexible joints, supports cartilage growth and reduces inflammation.

  • Green Lipped Mussels

    Green Lipped Mussels are a natural source of Omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3 is shown to support your dog's mobility, help with daily activities, and keep your dog bringing every fetched ball back!.

  • Manganese

    Manganese is a micromineral which acts to support your dog's healthy joints and cartilage, it has been shown to work well with glucosamine in creating the perfect recipe for healthy joints!

  • Hyaluronic acid

    This acid is plays an important role in maintaining hyaline cartilage, which protects the end of your dog's long bones. It's there to ensure the health of your dogs legs, knee joints and hip joints.

  • Turmeric

    Turmeric has been shown to reduce inflammation and possess anti-oxidant properties for thousands of years, further helping to reduce pain or strain for dogs that are already suffering joint issues.

  • Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM)

    A mouthful and a compound used widely in veterinary medicine to reduce inflammation and to provide anti-oxidants. It will help keep your dog active and reduce strain within an active life.

Why choose joint supplements for dogs?

Supplementing your dog's diet with nutrients that aren't necessarily available in food is the most caring way to ensure that your beloved friend isn't going to suffer aches and pains throughout their life and into old age. It'll help to keep them active and spry for as long as possible, ensuring a healthier and more active life so that they can still be dragging you around that park, even when your own joints start to feel the strain.

Which dogs should take our supplement?

This joint support formulation is perfect for your dog, and dogs of any age. We haven't formulated it specifically for puppies or for older dogs, it is meant as a daily supplement to give your dog the best chance of sustained mobility and activity from a puppy right into old age. Dogs can and do suffer from stiffness or arthritis at any age, just like humans. So give your dog the best chance at avoiding it!